University Centre forNursing and Midwifery

Pressure Ulcers


project duration: 14/01/2019 - 15/10/2019
The use of a fully automated pulsating support system (CuroCell® A4 CX20) in pressure ulcer prevention and treatment: a clinical test in 10 Belgian nursing homes

The primary objective was to study pressure ulcer (PU) category II-IV (including suspected deep tissue injury and unstageable PUs) cumulative incidence and PU category III-IV wound evolution in the sacral area (including sacrum, ischium and ilium) of nursing home residents in a 30-day observation period, associated with the use of the fully automated pulsating support system Curocell® A4 CX20.

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project duration: 17/11/2021 - 01/03/2022
Prevention of skin damage in patients in prone position: development of the education and training package "ProneTection" and investigation of the implementation conditions in an intensive care unit.
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project duration: 31/08/2023 - 31/08/2023
Pressure ulcer prevention in the spinal cord injury patient

Pressure ulcer prevention in the spinal cord injury patient

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project duration: 31/08/2023 - 31/08/2023
Pressure ulcer prevention in the spinal cord injury patient

Pressure ulcer prevention in the spinal cord injury patient [leaflet available in Danish]

Availble from Knærke Søgaard

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