University Centre forNursing and Midwifery


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Is it time to reconsider the terminology for diaper dermatitis?
25/02/2023 - by Anika Fourie
Is it time to reconsider the terminology for diaper dermatitis?

This is an excellent editorial - have a look! AnnMarie Dunk and colleagues gave a new perspective regarding clarification and simplification of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) in lieu of diaper dermatitis. See "Clinical signs and symptoms of diaper dermatitis in newborns, infants, and young children: a scoping review.

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Collaborating and Networking in Örebro, Sweden
07/12/2022 - by Anika Fourie
Collaborating and Networking in Örebro, Sweden

The Skin Integrity Research Group held an International Nursing Research Day, hosted by Örebro University, Sweden on 7 December 2022.

The SKINT team networked with their Örebro University colleagues regarding their joint research projects.

During the Nursing Research day there were discussions regarding the topics presented e.g., the think-aloud method, pragmatic clinical trials and, mixed method research applications.

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Master's degree proclamation
22/10/2022 - by Anika Fourie
Master's degree proclamation

SKINT members Hannelore Hofman and Julie Deprez officially received their master's degrees in Nursing from Ghent University on 22.10.2022. Now as PhD candidates within our team, we are looking forward to their projects within the domain of skin and wound care with Prof. Dimitri Beeckman as their supervisor. "CONGRATULATIONS!" and all the best!

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EPUAP 2022 conference - Prague
16/09/2022 - by Anika Fourie
EPUAP 2022 conference - Prague

The Skin Integrity Research Group with Dimitri Beeckman contributed to this conference with:
- 12 sessions (workshops, research findings and education) from
- 4 research members (Steven Smet, Charlotte Raepsaet, Knaerke Soegaard, Anika Fourie) about varied topics of
- clinical reasoning, wound assessment instruments, spinal cord injury, prone positioning, cost-effectiveness...within the domain of
- pressure ulcer prevention, and improving patient care.

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The special issue of the EWMA Journal of Wound Management on skin tears has just been published!
27/07/2022 - by Anika Fourie
The special issue of the EWMA Journal of Wound Management on skin tears has just been published!

This special issue of JOWM was published in collaboration with the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP). . It includes nine original manuscripts and highlights current advances in risk assessment, prevention and treatment of skin tears. Read the full free issue here.

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