The SKINT research group presented their latest wound and skin research at the 2023 EWMA conference in Milan, Italy. In total, we delivered 10 educational sessions and chaired three presentations. We presented on clinical cases, core outcome sets, health economics, prone positioning and skin integrity, skin tone bias, diversity and inclusive wound care, implementation of clinical guidelines, and pressure ulcers in spinal cord patients.
Silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings have been used for several years to treat pressure ulcers, which are a common complication of bed confinement or long-term immobilisation. Recently, a clinical trial funded by the Federal Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) Trials programme and performed by the Ghent University SKINT research group found them to be effective in preventing pressure ulcers. A new study by the same researchers now shows that this preventive use is not only effective, but also cost-effective. Read the full report here.
Charlotte Raepsaet (PhD candidate) of the Skin Integrity Research Group presented the results of her research project focused on integrating sensor technology into incontinence materials. "Various stakeholders were involved and with collaboration, a product was developed with tremendous potential for the future". A project funded by imec.icon and VLAIO.
Our GLOBIAD classification for incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) will be included as a mandatory quality indicator in the Australian Commonwealth Government's National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator (QI) Program from April 1, 2023. The QI Program is part of the Australian Government's response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
The QI Program requires the collection and reporting of quality indicators related to important aspects of quality of care in eleven key care areas.
It's great to see our work being recognised around the world and now having an impact on health care and policy in Australia.
Thank you to the team to make this possible:
Dimitri Beeckman,Karen Van den Bussche,Jan Kottner,Steven Smet,Dorien De Meyer,Ann Marie Dunk,Anika Fourie,Kevin Woo,David Voegeli,Andrea Pokorná,Kimberly LeBlanc,Ayise Karadag,Guido Ciprandi,Dr. Mary Arnold Long,Paulo Alves,Nele Van Damme
Thank you to all other authors of the original publication.
This is an excellent editorial - have a look! AnnMarie Dunk and colleagues gave a new perspective regarding clarification and simplification of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) in lieu of diaper dermatitis. See "Clinical signs and symptoms of diaper dermatitis in newborns, infants, and young children: a scoping review.