University Centre forNursing and Midwifery


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Interesse in wondzorg, ook in covid-19 tijd?
22/04/2021 - by Anika Fourie
Interesse in wondzorg, ook in covid-19 tijd?

Schrijf je dan zeker in op de Online WondTopic ‘Digitaal inzoomen op de wonde’

De covid-19 crisis had een grote impact op de doorverwijzing en opvolging bij wondproblemen. Mw. Valerie Hanssens zoomt in op enkele specifieke huid- en wondproblemen die ontstonden tijdens de covid-19 crisis en Sciensano presenteert de eerste resultaten van de nationale IKED-voet dataverzameling in 2020. Tijdens de pandemie kreeg het digitale consult vleugels. Dhr. Steven Smet geeft een overzicht omtrent de mogelijkheden van wondobservatie en Dhr. Matthias Mattheeuws zoomt in op de do’s-and don’ts van online wondzorgconsultaties. Tenslotte staan we stil bij de mogelijkheden van tele- en videoconsulting en tele-expertise via een online discussiepanel met leden uit verschillende settings binnen de gezondheidszorg.

27 mei 2021 van 19u-21u

Online via ZOOM. De link krijg je toegestuurd na inschrijving.

SCHRIJF JE NU IN via deze link en neem een kijkje op de EduWond website voor meer info.

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NSWOCC National Conference May 12-15, 2021
21/04/2021 - by Anika Fourie
NSWOCC National Conference May 12-15, 2021

Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC) is hosting their 40th National Conference via an online platform.

To register, visit their website here.

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman and Anika Fourie from the Skin Integrity Research Group and Swedish Centre for Skin and Wound Research will present a session on "Preventing tissue damage of the critically ill patient in the prone position (PRONEtect project)".

Download the conference program here to view all topics.

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Global Skin Tear Summit 15 April 2021
15/04/2021 - by Anika Fourie
Global Skin Tear Summit 15 April 2021

Free registration for the conference at

On April 15, 2021, join ISTAP to learn from content experts from around the world during a half-day Global Skin Tear Summit on updates for current practices in 2021.

The agenda includes topics like:

  • The Global Burden of Skin Tears,
  • Skin tear development, risk factors and the new ISTAP classification tool,
  • Managing complex skin tears and best practice sharing.
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NPIAP 2021 Annual Conference 10-12 March
12/03/2021 - by Anika Fourie
NPIAP 2021 Annual Conference 10-12 March

From the Skin Integrity Research Group, Prof. Dimitri Beeckman and Anika Fourie will present their latest project regarding tissue damage prevention for the critically ill patient in the prone position (PRONEtect study) during the virtual event on Thursday 11 March 22:30-23:30.

For registration details visit their website

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Development and psychometric property testing of a skin tear knowledge assessment instrument (OASES) in 37 countries
11/12/2020 - by Anika Fourie
Development and psychometric property testing of a skin tear knowledge assessment instrument (OASES) in 37 countries

The latest publication from the Skin Integrity Research group and esteemed co-authors.

The skin tear knowledge assessment instrument was developed based on a literature review and expert input (N = 19). Face and content validity were assessed in a two-round Delphi procedure by 10 international experts affiliated with the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP). The instrument was psychometrically tested in a convenience sample of 387 nurses in 37 countries (April–May 2020).Validity of the multiple-choice test items (item difficulty, discriminating index, quality of the response alternatives), construct validity, and test–retest reliability (stability) were analysed and evaluated in light of international reference standards.

Access the publication here.

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