University Centre forNursing and Midwifery


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EPUAP 2021 Virtual Meeting: 18-19 October
18/10/2021 - by Anika Fourie
EPUAP 2021 Virtual Meeting: 18-19 October

On 18 October 2021, Prof. Beeckman and Anika Fourie will present a workshop titled "Preventing Tissue Damage in the Patient in the Prone Position - Translating Science into Practice. This will be an interactive session where the speakers provide evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice. The program can be viewed here.

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2021 Best Practice Recommendations - Prevention and Management of Peri-wound Skin Complications
21/06/2021 - by Anika Fourie
2021 Best Practice Recommendations - Prevention and Management of Peri-wound Skin Complications

Experts from the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) formulated this guideline for the prevention and management of peri-wound complications. "The document aims to raise awareness of issues relating to the peri-wound and to enable all clinicians to consider the peri-wound appropriately when managing wounds." The document can be accessed via or by clicking here.

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Prof. Beeckman will represent EWMA at the 5th Congress of the Serbian Wound Healing Society!
04/06/2021 - by Anika Fourie
Prof. Beeckman will represent EWMA at the 5th Congress of the Serbian Wound Healing Society!

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman will put theory into practice in his presentation on "Prevention of pressure ulcers and moisture-induced skin damage in patients in the prone position".

Online presentation: 4 June 2021 at 10.10 - 10.30 CET.

Program information.

Prone ventilation is an effective strategy to improve oxygenation for the patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Unfortunately, placing the patient in the prone position increases the risk for pressure ulcer development and moisture-associated skin damage. The SKINT group is conducting research regarding educational strategies to help improve preventative stragies.

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Interesse in wondzorg, ook in covid-19 tijd?
22/04/2021 - by Anika Fourie
Interesse in wondzorg, ook in covid-19 tijd?

Schrijf je dan zeker in op de Online WondTopic ‘Digitaal inzoomen op de wonde’

De covid-19 crisis had een grote impact op de doorverwijzing en opvolging bij wondproblemen. Mw. Valerie Hanssens zoomt in op enkele specifieke huid- en wondproblemen die ontstonden tijdens de covid-19 crisis en Sciensano presenteert de eerste resultaten van de nationale IKED-voet dataverzameling in 2020. Tijdens de pandemie kreeg het digitale consult vleugels. Dhr. Steven Smet geeft een overzicht omtrent de mogelijkheden van wondobservatie en Dhr. Matthias Mattheeuws zoomt in op de do’s-and don’ts van online wondzorgconsultaties. Tenslotte staan we stil bij de mogelijkheden van tele- en videoconsulting en tele-expertise via een online discussiepanel met leden uit verschillende settings binnen de gezondheidszorg.

27 mei 2021 van 19u-21u

Online via ZOOM. De link krijg je toegestuurd na inschrijving.

SCHRIJF JE NU IN via deze link en neem een kijkje op de EduWond website voor meer info.

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NSWOCC National Conference May 12-15, 2021
21/04/2021 - by Anika Fourie
NSWOCC National Conference May 12-15, 2021

Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC) is hosting their 40th National Conference via an online platform.

To register, visit their website here.

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman and Anika Fourie from the Skin Integrity Research Group and Swedish Centre for Skin and Wound Research will present a session on "Preventing tissue damage of the critically ill patient in the prone position (PRONEtect project)".

Download the conference program here to view all topics.

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